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Cybersecurity Predictions For The Next Five Years

    Cybersecurity Predictions

    In the next 5 years, we will have to worry about more than network servers, money, or data when it comes to the cybersecurity industry and its employees. Cybersecurity Predictions are taken by cybersecurity community’s top priority is to figure out how to protect people from physical harm caused by hostile actors.

    Criminals’ methods for automating breaches, breaking into strong networks, and focusing on vulnerable systems are always changing. Future years are expected to see a continuation of this pattern. Businesses must look years into the future, from more intelligence_led security to extended infrastructure protections, to stay ahead of tomorrow’s attacks. Threats are also growing as a result of WFH.

    According to recent advances in attack tactics and current trends, the following may be the major causes of large-scale cyberattacks in the years to come:

    1. Malware Takeovers

    It isn’t hard to predict a near-future event that causes a massive depopulation of internet-connected devices. This could result in events where Androids and iPhones are bricked due to tampered malware code or buggy malware that prevents users from “factory resetting” their phone, or, even worse, widespread corruption of medical devices that renders heart pumps, dialysis machines, and medical tech inoperable.   

    2. Cyber-Kinetic Attacks   

    For decades, the global conflict has been dominated by the use or threat of traditional military force. However, we are presently seeing an emergency involving cyber-kinetic strikes. These cyber-attacks against industrial control systems, software, and archival infrastructure can cause environmental damage, injury, or death, as well as direct or indirect physical harm. This may entail things like bringing about blackouts, interfering with industrial control systems to harm machinery, or even physically harming machines using malware   

    3. Attacks On Shared Infrastructure   

    Attacks on shared infrastructure refer to malicious actions aimed at disrupting or damaging systems or networks that are used by multiple parties or organizations. These attacks can have wide-reaching consequences and can potentially impact the availability and reliability of essential services such as power, transportation, communication, and water supply. Examples of shared infrastructure that can be targeted include the internet, power grids, transportation networks, and financial systems. These attacks can be carried out through various means such as cyberattacks, physical sabotage, and natural disasters.   

    4. Use Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning   

    We will likely see an increase in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in cyber security. These technologies will be used to improve threat detection and response, as well as to automate many of the manual tasks currently performed by cyber security professionals. Additionally, there will likely be a greater focus on securing the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as these devices become increasingly prevalent in homes and businesses. Cloud security will also become increasingly important, as more companies move their data and applications to the cloud   

    5. An Increase In Automation By Adversaries   

    Now hackers may identify every weakness in a target system in a matter of minutes. When they find it, they may either immediately exploit it or delegate it to a team to handle it for them. The tone for many global danger trends and patterns is being set by automation. Actually, according to certain research, the quickest APTs start a lateral movement less than 18 minutes after infecting a device with malware or ransomware.   

    6. Cybercriminals Leverage Insiders   

    Cybercriminals are now paying a part of the payout to employees who assist in providing key information required for an assault. Surprisingly, the typical payment rate is relatively low. And the insider gathers important information about the organization or the company which the insider sends the data to the cyber criminals    

    7. Increased Demand For Tactical Threat Intelligence   

    As cyber-attacks become more and more targeted, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) require the assistance of threat intelligence analysts to identify how they are being attacked or targeted, as well as to develop intelligence-driven security research to reduce security risks at any level. However, merely subscribing to threat intelligence streams is insufficient. Businesses must devote resources and time to generating tactical threat intelligence. This information will provide knowledge of APT efforts at every level, as well as a concentrated discovery of which campaigns are targeting your firm at any particular time.   

    8. A Rise In Attacks Targeting Internet Of Things (IoT) Devices   

    As more and more devices are connected to the internet and often lack adequate security measures. IoT devices have become increasingly popular in recent years, but their rapid adoption has also led to a rise in attacks targeting these devices. IoT devices are often vulnerable to hacking because they often have weak security measures in place and are connected to the internet 24/7. Hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain access to the device and use it for malicious purposes, such as launching a DDOS attack or stealing personal information. Additionally, many IoT devices are also controlled by mobile apps that may have poor security and can be easily compromised. It’s important for manufacturers to prioritize security when developing IoT devices and for users to keep their devices updated with the latest security patches.   

    9. Rise In Targeted Ransomware Attacks   

    An increase in the number and severity of ransomware attacks, as they continue to be a highly profitable method for cybercriminals. A more sophisticated type of ransomware will be developed in the near further. They target certain individuals or organizations to get large amounts of ransomware.  

    10. The Rise In Cloud-Based Cyber-Attacks

    In recent years, the number of attacks on these platforms has increased rapidly. Incidentally, cloud cyber-attacks accounted for 20% of all major cyber-attacks, making cloud computing platforms the third most-targeted cyber environment as the cloud services usage increases the number of vulnerabilities in the system also increases    


    Expert Cybersecurity Predictions for the Next 5 Years – CPO Magazine

    Cybersecurity Trend Predictions for 2023 & Beyond:… | BeyondTrust

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